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Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, Teacher par excellence, whose birthday, September 5, is commemorated by the Nation as Teachers Day assumes special significance at Suryadatta. Teachers Day is celebrated with great zeal at Suryadatta and its array of Institutes, in a day long meaningful, thought provoking and entertaining programme. In keeping up with the tradition Suryadatta celebrated its Teachers Day at S.M.Joshi hall with active participation of students and faculty from various Institutes of Suryadatta Group ,Pune , The day began with the warm welcome of honorable dignitaries and tributes were paid to noted scholar and former president Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan by the honorable guests and speakers.
Dr. Deepak Shikarpur enlightened the students with the inspiring speech on the topic of implementation of theoretical knowledge practically in corporate. He also stressed upon softskills ,interpersonal skills and behavioral skills to be adopted. Dr. Samprasad Vinod blends Indian Spiritual Wisdom with the Modern Scientific Knowledge through different activities related to Yoga, He enlightened the students by putting his views on How to meditate ,yoga and improve energy and concentration levels to work for 15 to 16 hours a day
Brahmakumari Sarita Ben, enlightened everyone with her godly speech to find connection with god and find happiness /peace to finally reap the fruits of success. Her speech was further followed by Brahmakumari Sujhata Ben who directed everyone on how to achieve energy levels to work for 16 to 18 hours a day.
Also organized on this occasion was a presentation by “Mumbai Dabbawallas” on the topic focusing on impressive management of their humongous business with the help of Supply chain management and coding system.The day was further followed by teacher’s felicitation, each teacher was felicitated by the respective students of various institutes under the umbrella of Suryadatta group Thrill and joy was added to the day because of various cultural events planned and organized by the students from Suryadatta group of institutions, Pune.
The festival season has begun in Maharashtra with the onset of the month of Shravan. The academic session has also begun in Suryadatta. New batch of students have come. For most of them it might be their first Raksha Bandhan away from their homes. They were all feeling slightly and nostalgic. To build up their frame of mind and to make them feel at home, Suryadatta celebrated Raksha Bandhan in its unique style.
Each girl student tied rakhis to two boys from her batch. Each student enjoyed themselves and were like a big family. The students put up a small cultural program on this occasion.
Independence Day is a proud moment for every Indian. Each one of us takes pride in being an Indian. At Suryadatta Independence Day is celebrated with its true spirit and full enthusiasm.
Dr. Deepak Shikarpur graced the occasion as a Chief Guest. Prof. Dr. Sanjay . Chordiya- Founder President & Chairman Suryadatta Education Foundation, Senior directors of the institute, faculty members, Non teaching staff members and large number of students were present for the day.
The Tri color was then hoisted with the National Anthem sung by the students. The Chief guest Dr. Deepak Shikarpur and Founder President and Chairman Prof. Dr Sanjay B Chordiya enlightened the members present. Students also got motivated and shared their feelings of the great moment.
After this the student presented a cultural programme individually and in groups, typically based on the theme of Independence day. The Program culminated with distribution of sweets.
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